Christmas concert at the beach
14 December 2018
Also this year, one of the most anticipated events of the Christmas holidays, is the beach party by the Dune Beach Club.
Since, the never banal managers of the famous beach of Porto Cesareo, have decided to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree in the stretch of beach of the bathing establishment, Christmas has not been the same in Salento. Visitors from all over Italy and Europe arrived ready to take a memory on board the one (probably) Santa’s sleigh pulled on the beach instead of on the snow.
This year the owners of the beach wanted to do more. On the beach, overlooking the sea and the winter sunsets, has been mounted a real cassarmonica in perfect Salento style. Exactly those that act as a stage for orchestras in popular festivals in the center of town squares.
And right there, facing the sea, the afternoon of Santo Stefano, will perform in concert Cesare dell’Anna and GirodiBanda.
Fun is guaranteed. And if you want to capture completely new Christmas images, do not miss this appointment.